Thursday, December 6, 2012

Greaves Progress

I started on the boots yesterday, but adapting their original design to Skyrim bodies is rather awkward. Skyrim has feet turned slightly outward, the knees aren't clearly defined, and the edge loops around the knees are at an angle instead of straight on. Making the main body of armor is going to be interesting...

I think I'm relying too heavily on meshsmooth. The helmet worked out well with untouched meshsmooth, but the greaves aren't looking too hot. I'm using the chamfer trick to make harder edges I learned from making Yusaris' crossguard wings. So far, it looks like I'm using around 3k polygons for each piece of armor. The helmet is 3k and both the greaves are 3k total. Gloves might be a little more due to fingers, but the cuirass might be 3-4x as dense due to the coverage area and details I'll be pulling out.

Essentially, the greaves are the original Skyrim body calves and feet, merged, un-subdivided, and scaled up to a size that would better reflect a boot's size. A lot of the medieval armor I've been finding have been rounded with few, if any, hard edges. It makes sense to not have hard edges (nothing to catch on), but ultra-smooth armor just looks, well, wrong. I'm trying to bulk the greaves up a bit to counteract that.

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