Saturday, April 27, 2013

Trian's Maul Geometry

I forgot to post this while I was making Trian's Maul. Just a quick screenshot of the old model (left) and all the geometry I put on the new model (right).

Due to someone claiming I've stolen textures from Dragon Age 2 (curiously, not Dragon Age: Origins), here is a cropped screenshot (no need to show the tools window or title) comparing the Bassrath-Kata greatsword textures. On the left, mine. On the right, DA2's.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Questionable job hunting

Got a response from a job application.

They asked me for contact info and a good time to call. I plastered said info all over my coverletter, resume, and email application. *Flag 1* (okay fine, I omitted contact times just to see what would happen)

Their website doesn't exist either. *Flag 2*

Well, the server responding to the site works (whois reports GoDaddy). It completes the 3way handshake and ACKs the HTTP request, but it doesn't send the page and the connection stays alive. *Flag 3*

I'm not quite sure if this company exists or not. It was a craigslist posting (some companies don't like posting who they are), they're responding from the craigslist email *Flag 4*, and the person who responded has 3 phone numbers in 3 different area codes. *Flag 5*

Because this is a QA position and "why not?", I responded with an overview of what Wireshark captured.