Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Odds and Ends

Steam just tried to redownload all of Fallout: New Vegas for no reason. It didn't even check for integrity first. It just went "Well, gotta download all 9.2GB again". After stopping it and invoking an integrity check manually, it hit 100% completion and stayed incomplete for a bit, then came to the conclusion one file had to be downloaded (most likely the one it was trying to download), and downloaded that file in about 10 seconds.


I've trimmed 5k polygons off of the Blood Dragon Armor and added a belt. No new screenshots as you probably won't see where the polygons were cut (unless I used wireframe or edged faces, and even then, barely) and the belt is only visible from certain angles due to all the plates obscuring it.

It's about time to start unwrapping.


I found a fun group on Borderlands 2 (PT2.5) several days ago and we opted to take on all the raid bosses. We managed to kill Vermivorous, Terramorphous, and Pete without much trouble (Vermi was a pain to create) but Hyperius and Master Gee were ridiculous (everyone died within 15 seconds while spread out). So, we decided to make ourselves immortal (instant second winds) just complete the set.

Terra, Pete, and Vermi weren't too bad. Pete's annoying because of his near unavoidable novas, Vermi just has ludicrously high HP, and Terra, well, he's a bit better after the Bee nerf patch. They gave okay loot (a green or two, half a dozen blue and purple). Nothing to write home about and just enough to recoup ammo costs (except Terra, who drops tons of ammo anyways).

Hyperius and Master Gee are way too overpowered and take forever to kill. Even with immortals, it took 15 minutes of continuous fire from Infinity Pistols to kill them. Loot? A dozen Seraph crystals, a single blue, a single purple, a couple greens, and, if I remember correctly, a white. Barely enough loot to buy 12 rocket ammo.

Seraph gear is supposed to be the next step below Legendary, so you "farm" crystals and wait for something good to show up at the Market. Still not worth it. Why? The cost of the items is greater than a single run through the Guardians. At least Pete is available more than once a day (for now).

I don't even like the Seraph items anyways. Legendaries and some E-tech/purples hold more visual appeal and, in some cases, better stats/utility than them anyways. Anyways, by the time you get to the point where you can take on these bosses, your gear is already better than what you could buy after you kill them enough times; effectively making the whole process pointless (not to mention how comfortable you are with your gear now).

So, what's the point? You spend hours killing bosses that easily deplete your ammo, drop less than mediocre loot, and give you tokens to buy items that are even less stellar than some standard items. Maybe I merely hate the token system. "In addition to standard currency, you have the following [insert number here] other currencies which take [insert high number here] times as long to collect for items that are probably not better than what you had before. Oh, and you can't get more than [insert number] of them per day."

Conclusion: Raid bosses aren't worth it. For all that time and effort, you get next to nothing in return. "Oh, congrats, you just beat a really, really hard boss. Have a high fi...nevermind." On the plus side, Terra is still kind of fun.

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