Sunday, December 30, 2012

BDA Progress 5 - Helmet

I spent about two hours on the torso today. I originally had the torso as a front and a back stitched together on one side. While it looked good, the relax tool wouldn't produce straight lines; everything was skewed towards the side stitch. So, I split the torso into 3 pieces: Front, Back Left, Back Right. From there, I pelted and relaxed them individually. Then I target welded them together, relaxed the entire piece, and fitted it back into the existing UV maps for the other pieces.

The only piece I have left to do on the torso is the thigh. I still need to find a whole Bioware dragon logo.

The helmet is done for this stage. It wasn't very complicated and only took about half an hour to get the pieces in. The hands are next.

I am definitely not looking forward to reshaping this to fit the _1 body. There's also the issue of Glow Maps disallowing Specular Maps. For the helmet, this isn't a problem. Not so for the chest. Those 6 rectangles are in texture, not geometry. So, I'll have to either a) cut the rectangles out as geometry but leave them flush or b) not have a specular map at all.

Oh right, I'll have to recreate some, if not all, of the armor for the male version as well...ugh. I could use the SoMuchMorpher tool to automate pretty much everything above (rigging and body shape changes), but the last time I did that, I wound up reweighting everything by hand. I'll probably use it to morph from 0 to 1 and then Skin Wrap from 0 to preserve weights (not sure about the weighting).


So many "Dragon Age" and "Skyrim" posts...

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