Sunday, November 25, 2012

Asala Greatsword - Texturing

I've started texturing the model now and I've hit the all too familiar color matching problem. I don't have access to the source textures (not the textures that shipped) for the original model, so I have to guesstimate the base color of details, highlights, and shadows from the composite. Since I made most of the details actual geometry, I can skip a good portion of the texture and leave flat colors (touch up comes later), but that doesn't exempt me from matching the color scheme.

I'm off to a good start, but the crossguard's filigree is a pain because I have to simulate the shadows and highlights (yes, it can be done using the normal map) and trace the original patterns before distorting them to fit onto my UVs.


Quite a few of the weapons in Dragon Age 2 are straight copy/pastes from Dragon Age: Origins; no higher resolution meshes or textures. It makes sense to do that from a time standpoint, but don't the devs have the original masters that generated what they shipped? Surely it doesn't take that long to lower the optimization aggressiveness, hit export, and carry on, right?

This is assuming, of course, they didn't originally model the weapons with a 1000 polygon limit using only polygons (no splines, patches, etc), split the UVs awkwardly in half (for swords), and create the textures in 128x256 in sideview without vectors.

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