Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bassrath-Kata Longbow - Update

I managed to trim the number of polygons down to around 8.5k. It'll be the highest poly weapon model I've made, but I'm not going to reduce it further. There are still some areas with really small polygons that look essential but I'm not sure should stay, so there may be more work done on this front. For now, I'm working on coloring in the texture's shapes. No details, just color. I still have to make a string for this.

The addition of grooves barely affects the overall geometry, but the shading effect is quite noticeable and, I believe, justifies nearly increasing the polycount tenfold.


  1. How are you importing/exporting the DA2 models & meshes to use with 3dsmax? So far I've only found a way to do that with Lightwave, and I'm not particularly interested in buying the software. Would whatever you're doing work with Gmax, do you think?

    1. I use this for 3ds Max 2011: http://social.bioware.com/project/2336/&v=discussions#files

      If you preserve the DAO folder structures it works flawlessly. It can import DA2 meshes, but the folder structure is different, so you'll either have to set the materials manually or rearrange your extracted files.

      For weapons you'll get prompts for WeaponStreaks.mao. For some weapons and armor, you'll probably have to hold enter for the hundreds to thousands of "out of bounds" errors that popup one at a time. It doesn't seem to preserve skin weights either, so, good luck with that (I am barely a step above clueless when it comes to setting skin weights).

      It should work with Gmax, but I haven't tried it.
