Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sentinel Armor Progress 3

Finished basic shape of the legs, arms, and torso. Now I need to move everything into place. The pauldrons, tassets, and whatnot were based on the shape of the original so I have to fiddle with them to make them fit over the new shell (The shoulder gear needs to drop 5 units and move back 1 or 2).

Once everything is fitted, merged, and tweaked, I'll start adding more details and refining the shapes (boots are too rounded). Then, it's off to UV land!


After breaking the tabs off of my MyBookLive and disassembling it to get the harddrive, I found out that the backup I was trying to copy was corrupt. It copied over fine locally, but when I opened it, the filesystem was gone. File recovery software only recovered the temporary internet files (seriously?!). I resorted to pulling the original drive and rummaging through file remnants to get data back. Folder paths were shot, but the files were mostly recoverable.

I really don't know what burned the backup. It hasn't done that to me before and there were no errors during the process. Next time, I'll backup to a USB harddrive and keep it there instead.

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