Thursday, August 16, 2012

What is Steam doing?

Lately, Steam has been acting up for me. It refuses to launch games until the 3rd or 4th attempt claiming it is "unavailable", spontaneously starts and finishes 20-400MB downloads (as in, it doesn't tell me it is downloading until it is done), starts integrity checks for games or tools only when I start an unrelated game, and still persists with pausing all downloads with .1MB left until I start the game and it goes "J/K! I'm done!".

The most recent example (about 2 minutes ago):
I started up The Witcher 2 and suddenly a 28MB Portal 2 Authoring Tools update, 12MB Source SDK update, and 77MB GarrysMod update completed instantly and simultaneously with Portal 2 labelled "Update paused" while TF2 performed an integrity check after sending up the "You should quit all games before verifying integrity" message box and chime before promptly closing it and doing the check anyways. What?

There's probably file compression going on for the downloads as I know for a fact I don't have a 5.1MB/s download speed (and even then updates wouldn't start and complete instantly).

I also have a couple outstanding issues with Steam with only one being confirmed by another user. First, if you close the main steam window it'll fade away and close, BUT clicking on the region it occupied makes it magically fade in and out and absorb the click (so whatever you meant to click on doesn't have focus). Second, closing the friends window right before putting my machine to sleep makes it popup again when my machine wakes most of the time (it used to be all the time).

I'm also not a fan of screenshot uploads failing because Steam is synchronizing ("Some error occurred").

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