Thursday, January 31, 2013

BDA Texture Progress

I was hoping for a complete image of the Bioware Dragon, but they are either too elusive for me or non-existent outside of the studio. So, I found a couple images that covered most of the dragon and used the Pen tool in Photoshop to draw the rest in. From there, I erased most of the splatters that covered the image and pasted the finished dragon on the torso textures twice and matched them up along the seam (It required some skewing and masking). The dragon and its placement isn't perfect, but I'm happy with it.

I've stripped the armor's scene of everything but the new armor mesh. I'm thinking there's something wrong or missing in the hidden assets, so if I delete everything but what I made and import an existing Skyrim armor with the skeleton at the same time, I won't have the view-angle clipping. Should it fail, I may have to find someone who is better versed in 3ds Max and ask if they could do it for me.

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