Monday, July 27, 2015

Sentinel Armor Skin Weights: Female_0

I've sorted out the pauldrons...mostly. Oddly enough, the solution was to not use the pauldron bones. Instead, I had to use a combination of Spine02, UpperArm, and Clavicle. Using the pauldron bone caused the pauldrons to clip into the upper arm and generally act weird in relation to attack animations. I also had to add a handful of polys to the arms and stash them inside the torso so the stretching wouldn't rip arms from their sockets.

Up next is a couple tweaks to the leather straps that hold the right pauldron in place and then it's time for the Female_1 model so I can implement weight sliding (Remember folks: Don't let the NIF exporter weld vertices or else you get weird stuff happening in game).

For the male models, I'll have to undo the Lattice compression I applied to better conform to the female body, check the skin weights, and export. An easier task compared to Blood Dragon Armor where I had to create a new torso mesh and texture due to the female armor's bust.

In Skyrim, the glow and environmental mapping shaders are mutually exclusive. There is a way around it involving clever use of alpha textures (as mentioned at the end of this post, but I'm not sure if I want to implement it. I like the way the armor looks with environment mapping, but I prefer the void-ish nature of the armor with the glow enabled. The armor appears out of place with the environment and that makes it feel a little more imposing.

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